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Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and neuroscience-based

a future-ready leadership development program for students.

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Mindless reactions to mindful responsibility – prepare for tomorrow

with resolve, resilience and rejoice.

What is this program all about?

The magnitude of success in life and career has a direct relationship with the quality of time spent during the UG and PG courses in preparing for the future, apart from the syllabus driven studies. These vital few years before joining industry or entrepreneurship not only provide the students with the opportunities to acquire industry-specific academic knowledge and hone their managerial as well as leadership skills; but also, an opportunity to prepare themselves for their life and career ahead by developing self-knowledge, clarity about goals, the right attitude and emotional balance. Often the time passes so quickly that many students even fail to realize that there was an opportunity missed.


Towards the above context, we have created an effective leadership induction program called ARISE (Aware, Respond, Invest, Strive & Excel) which is poised to set the right tone and build strong momentum for the next few years of campus life.


Our mindfulness and neuroscience-based program, ARISE, will help the students to strengthen and re-align the very basic foundations of their character, attitude, knowledge, and skills by developing self-leadership, enabling habits, understanding about industry expectations and a deep awareness of their own strengths, talents, and passion.


Our program and scientific practices will guide them in taking responsibility to execute their plans and progress towards their goals on an everyday basis, with dedication, discipline, and hard work.


All these would then enable them to leverage the final few years of their campus life to the fullest. As a result, the students will have greater clarity on how to maximize their true potential and talent towards a meaningful career and life of their choice.


About Program

What benefits do I get?

Each student will have the following outcome,


>> A higher level of self-awareness, understanding, and insights on their potential, strengths, talents, improvement areas, industry expectations, and development strategies, leading to the enhancement of their industry-readiness.


>> Enhanced perspectives on the nuances of various dimensions of emotional intelligence encompassing focus, self-management, motivation, empathy, relationship building, time management, collaboration, team-work, leadership.


>> Greater clarity on ‘What’s in store’ in the context of career and life, and therefore understanding and appreciation of ownership, discipline, responsibility and hard work; and deeper understanding of appropriate mindset that fosters ethics, integrity, proactiveness, win-win behaviors, synergy, and diversity. 


>> Deeper understanding from the evidence of Neuroscience that mindfulness brings change at a physiological level and enables behavioral change; in addition, students would learn mindfulness micro-practices that would enable them to develop emotional intelligence and leadership skills – which is a must for future success, irrespective of the industry they choose.


>> Individual-specific Goals and Actionable Development Plan.


Our program will answer

How do we tap into our potential and leverage our talent?

Key building blocks
of our content
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Design and methodology

Mindfulness is the core foundation of this program. In addition, the design is based on neuroscience, behavioral science that includes emotional intelligence, positive psychology and behavioral economics.


The design operates within the intersection of mindfulness, science, and business. Scientifically proven age-old mindfulness micro-practices like mindful listening, mindful conversation, journaling, group activity, case studies from neurosciences, video clips, games would be used as tools for learning.


The design is holistic, comprehensive, robust and benchmarked against some of the best programs in the world, designed by experts in the field of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and neuroscience.

Our program can be customized based on the needs of the learners.

Who can attend?

This program is meant for students who are in their UG or PG course. It does not matter whether the course is a purely professional one or just standard academic.


The course has a lot of scope for customization and can be designed to a level of individual-specific attention and needs.

Contact us

Please feel free to reach us if you would like to know more or are interested in our program and other mindfulness & neuroscience-based offerings.


Our email id is -


It would be a pleasure to connect with you.


Interesting facts about our programs

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Uniqueness of our program

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Inside-out framework

Methodology of our program

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Holistic & scientific foundation

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Effectiveness measurement

Core design elements of our program

The Deca-D

process of learning

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Benefits of mindfulness



+91 93607 92646

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