Why 'Hi Happy Monk!'?
Experience, Enrich, Enhance, Express
We practice, what we preach
We do what we believe in. Our continuous pursuit is to ‘walk the talk’. Yes, there are times, when we fail. It hurts, we feel low. We continue our practice, draw inspiration from our vision, values. We feel refreshed and start again. This is how we nurture ‘resilience’.
At ‘Hi Happy Monk!’, our beliefs, teachings, and actions are aligned with the principles of mindfulness and spiritual essence, resulting in a solid foundation for a unique value proposition.
Our unique mindful proposition is holistic. It helps people to nourish emotional skills, enrich habits, enhance talents and express leadership.

Proven by neuroscience,
behavioral science

Mindful learning design

Only case studies on swimmers will not teach you swimming!
Do your business leaders often complain that the training programs are not helping managers to change?​
You can’t learn swimming, just by reading about it! You need to jump into the water and train. Similarly, just reading strategic case studies, will not help you become strategic. A fun game on collaboration or execution does not help either, as it would only help you understand certain perspectives on the subject, but will not enable you to become collaborative or good at execution.
We need to train ourselves and build different mental habits if we wish to change our behaviors, develop new skills, perform better and enhance leadership presence.
Backed by insights from neuroscience, our scientific and comprehensive design follows a new age pedagogy, leverages relevant theories of behavioral science, integrates appropriate learning tools and mindful practices to facilitate learning with ease, enthusiasm, and effectiveness.

Execution focus

Backstage is as important as the gala event on stage
An idea or a design is as good as the execution ability. Often execution is the most critical factor for achieving desirable results.
A robust execution process is therefore of utmost importance. We believe execution is a discipline, not a rocket science. Having clarity on lead indicators for your goal is really vital.

Guiding values
Non-negotiable, come what may!
Values are non-negotiable, come what may! They guide us in our actions and help us in taking decisions. Our ‘Hi Happy Monk!’ logo represents the mindful emblem and symbols that stand for our six core values.
The Behavioral expressions of our core values help us in achieving sustainable results, customer delight and happiness.