Mindfulness, neuroscience-based leadership and communication programs.
Cultivate your craft of
communication with clarity, confidence, compassion, and courage
What is this program all about?
Communication is a vast subject and has a deep relationship with our own awareness. It is the expression of who we truly are. Communication is not just about the language, content, skills or style. Communication is about ‘the connect’. Connect with ourself, as much as with the other person or the people we are communicating with.
In today's context, often the communication - what we listen to and experience, appears artificial and layered with pseudo confidence; it is more so when the communicator is disconnected with the inner being and therefore lacks clarity about the world within and around. In that sate, whatever someone communicates irrespective of the language skills or the fluency or the seasoned grooming, it becomes noise and remains ineffective.
Communication is as much as the sound as the silence. It is the confluence of the said and the unsaid, the logic and the emotion, the enthusiasm, and empathy. It is not only about talking but about listening too.
Communication is complex, it is deep. We approach ‘communication’ with the art of mindfulness and the science of neuroscience and biology. We believe communication and the communicator are integrated. Our scientific inside-out approach helps the communicator to connect within and explore the calm and the clarity which nurtures confidence, courage, and compassion.
Our practices help the communicator access the confidence within, express with courage, practice compassion and thereby fine-tune the craft of communication. Language, fluency, and ‘the connect’ are embedded in the craft which is expressed as the ‘presence’.
P.S. Definition of Presence: When we are truly connected with ourself and express the authentic ‘who we are’, we manifest ‘Presence’.
Key building blocks
of our content

Our program will answer
Our offerings
Enhance your leadership presence while communicating with
intent, insights, and inspiration

What about the design and methodology?
Mindfulness is the core foundation of this program. In addition, the design is based on neuroscience, behavioral science that includes emotional intelligence, positive psychology and behavioral economics.
The design operates within the intersection of mindfulness, science, and business. Scientifically proven age-old mindfulness micro-practices like mindful listening, mindful conversation, journaling, group activity, case studies from neurosciences, video clips, games would be used as tools for learning.
The design is holistic, comprehensive, robust and benchmarked against some of the best programs in the world, designed by experts in the field of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and neuroscience.

Who can attend?
Anyone. The person could be an organizational leader, entrepreneur, social worker, homemaker. This program is relevant for any Industry, any sector, and suitable for non-profit, for-profit, as well as government organizations.
Our program can be customized based on the needs of the learners.
Contact us
Please feel free to reach us if you would like to know more or are interested in our programs and other mindfulness & neuroscience-based offerings.
Our email id is - info@hihappymonk.com
It would be a pleasure to connect with you.

What benefits do I get?
Mind-Comm Program will help you learn,
- How to develop clarity, confidence, compassion, and courage while communicating effectively?
- How to listen meaningfully? Develop fundamental practices of mindful listening?
- How to nurture the power of silence?
- How to cultivate empathy, build trust while communicating with others?
- How to balance logic and emotion while connecting with others?
- How to communicate with insight?
- How to facilitate difficult conversations? Also, learn to practice the tools for having difficult conversations.
- How to build the nuances of crucial conversations?
- How to cultivate non-violent communication?