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Learning & Development

Learning & Development (L&D) 

Is your L&D strategic, meaningful, and outcome-focused?

Learning is a process that requires awareness, focus, and engagement. Awareness makes the learner move from ‘unconscious-incompetence’ to ‘conscious-incompetence’ and then to ‘conscious-competence’. Finally, with practice, the learner achieves the highest state ‘unconscious-incompetence’.  Mindfulness helps one master the process of learning with ease, enthusiasm, and effectiveness.

L&D Offerings

L&D Offerings

Learning & Development system and processes that are fun, futuristic and focused on outcomes.

We help people, teams, and organizations make their learning and development more strategic, outcome focused and meaningful. In an organizational context, we ensure that learning has a direct connect with vision, organizational goals/business goals and supports business results.


With the insights from neuroscience, the wisdom of mindfulness and knowledge of behavioral science we design learning & development system and processes that are fun, futuristic and focused on the outcome.

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